Monday, September 14, 2009

My Debut Into the Blogosphere...

Dut-dutta-duh! As my first foray into the realm of bloggers, beauty aficionados, and sugar lovers from sea to shining sea, I'd like to take my first chunk of world wide webbage (yes, I think I just used this as a word. Sorry, Webster...) and use it to properly introduce myself. My name is Alyssa and along with a deep penchant for all things beauty-related (does a rehab for Sephora exist yet?), sugar-connected (Gobstoppers and Runts, I blame you for my inevitable Diabetes downfall), and overuse of parentheses (I'll apologize now), I'm also a huge sucker (ha! No pun intended. Really.) for any product that promises to shine, ooze, and plump (and not necessarily in that order). I think this comes about less from my personal belief that I have anything worthwhile to contribute, and more so from the fact that I've just about Googled everything that "beauty" and "blog" have to offer. So, without much ado, I will now let the good times roll (and more on a low-cal -- or hell, FULL cal -- recipe for cinnamon rolls later...) 

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