Monday, September 14, 2009

Did Sugar send out the VIP invite to the party on my chin?

Ah, skin. It truly brings back memories of obnoxious pre-pubescent 5th graders screaming gleefully across the asphalt playground to each other, "Duck and cover! Your epidermis is showing!" And while I was usually (OK--always) one of the naiive ones who took this seemingly innocent taunting to heart as some Godforesaken horror, 
maybe little Eric had a point. 

The point being, of course, that people always notice your skin. It doesn't matter who you are, how big or how small your booty is, if you rock extensions or not, if you're old and worldly or young and sprightly. You have it, I have it, he has it, she has it. 

Everyone has their own personal demons and battles to fight when it comes to their skin. For some it's a pesky freckle cluster that others find cute but you find nauseating. For others it's that damn forehead wrinkle that refuses to lay down and die despite how many times you've pumped it up with Agent Botox. And for others, it's the evil of all evils...Acne. So what do we do when this beast strikes?

Well, if you're like me, you spend the majority of your work day scouring the internet for the latest cleansers and treatments galore. Oh, and also mentally computing just how much of a chunk this latest go-around is going to assassinate from your paycheck. Ah, the price we're willing to pay for poreless faces...wait, does that even make sense?

As such, I currently have four big boys taking up prime real estate on my chin. If you look closely, they almost form a diamond shape (the operative word here being "almost" as I'd much prefer the wearable kind). Such is life, though. 

I've heard a lot of backlash recently about the awful side effects of sugar and can't help but wonder if the big S is the culprit at hand. Is it sad that I'm not willing to forego my daily hard candy and occasional ice cream splurge? On second thought, don't answer that. 

I've navigated my way through most of the products out there and plan on spending the majority of future posts on my personal experiences with each. And if I one day choose to eliminate sugar entirely from my diet, only to find that my skin clears and reveals itself as the 9th wonder of the world...well, friends, it will be a sad day indeed for me.

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