Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Does It Really Say "Peter Thomas Roth" on His Birth Certificate?

Peter Thomas Roth, I extend a hearty "Good day to you, sir" and would also like to commend you on your exceptional masterpiece of ass-kicking, skin-fighting glycolic acid (seriously, did you sell your soul to come up with this amazing concoction?) 

Now, perhaps I'm jumping the gun here as I've only been using this product for the past week (well, 6 days to be exact, but time flies when you're having fun!), however to quote Creedence Clearwater Revival (CCR for you rockaholics), there's something in the air.

I've taken to using this every night and I officially refer to it as one half of the Dream Team -- the other half being that golden Goddess, Santa Clarisonic. 

I like to first remove the day's debris, make-up, and whatever else has chosen to house itself on my face with some Cetaphil (much like a step sibling, I loathed this stuff in my younger days and have now come to find it's actually pretty handy). After, I take about a dime-sized amount of the PTR Magic and also put around 3-4 pumps of Cetaphil into the mix so as to diminish the drying effects from the big G.A. (Glycolic Acid, folks). Then I allow the Clarisonic to do its thang and before I know it, my skin feels clean. And I do mean cleaaaaaaaaaaan.

The number one thing I've noticed is that those deep cystic bumps of mine (lovely, I know) are suddenly starting to disappear. If you find that your nose starts to get a little dry along the sides I'd recommend taking a tiny bit of moisturizer to it.

And if you'd rather not drop your hard-earned money on the $32 price tag for it, at least ask one of your helpful Sephora ladies to give you a sample; they're usually very generous!

Enjoy and happy glycolic acid-ing.

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