Monday, September 14, 2009

Clarisonic: The Maserati of Skin Care

 If you've got some time on your hands, I'd recommend sashaying on over to the Clarisonic website for some great gadget 411 or even on over to Sephora for some fabulously in-depth user reviews to learn more about this fooooiiiine piece of machinery.

I took the Clarisonic plunge myself at the end of April, in one of those last ditch attempts at salvaging my skin before graduation in May (pictures + natural sunlight x jawline breakout = tres gross and awkward). 

Ironically enough, my initial experience with this handy piece of awesomeness included the words "scary exfoliant" and "red". I say the former because I'm pretty sure it got rid of layers I'd had since high school and the latter because I got a little, er, obsessive (think 2 to 3 times a day...yowza!) I was also using it along with Fresh's Soy Cleanser, which was nice and soothing (you sensitive skinned gals would love it), but not nearly boot camp-esque enough to fight the hellish wrath on my face.  

So, speaking with my mom -- whom I will endearingly refer to as "Kar" from here on out -- told me I really shouldn't be using it anymore than once a day, as the bristles on the Clarisonic head are extremely strong. Translation: Skin today, Gone tomorrow! (As a side note, the Normal Head is a wee bit too abrasive and I think most people would benefit just fine from the Sensitive Head.) 

Taking her advice, I discovered that my skin was starting to...dare I say it?!...glow. And I don't mean 'glow' like "Ew, did she even wash her face after huffing it on the elliptical", but 'glow' as in "Did you SEE J Lo's angelic radiance?!"  

And despite the fact that it didn't get rid of those pesky spots entirely, it did cut their usual living time by about half. And, for me, that's enough to shell out the coin it costs to pay for this lightweight gizmo.

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