Tuesday, September 15, 2009

My Inner Masochist

As I sit here taking deep breaths in hopes of helping me finish my (4th? 5th? Why was I born without any modicum of willpower?) atomic fireball of the day, I can't help but notice some strong similarities between eating something you know will be painful and using a product that takes more than it gives. 

Kind of like how the atomic fireball causes my throat to go through the Near-Burning-Stage all the way to the No-Feeling-Left-in-My-Cheeks-Stage, I keep returning to a certain moisturizer that I'm 99.9% positive is responsible for leaving me with a flurry of bumps on the left side of my jawline. 

Just as candy stores are my crack, so too are those pesky beauty supply stores (Nail polish! Curling irons! Hair brushes! Oh my!) A few months ago, Kar and I trekked it on over to Naimes in the Valley. Now, if you live in or around that area and haven't ever been to this place, stop everything and Go. There. Now. (Seriously. Life changing stuff, people.) Anyways, it was there that I discovered one handy little product by Tan Towel that not only imparts a subtle glow BUT also has some retinol in it (How much do I love you, Retinol? Let me count the ways...) When I first started using it, my face started to look more vibrant and less oily. I also noticed that the fine lines on my forehead were becoming softer and softer (read: apparently only I can see them, but the fact that I know they're there makes them just as bad).

Drum roll please.

I also noticed that I had some new friends traveling south towards my jawline. Much like the carpetbaggers after the Civil War, the small zits I once had in between my eyebrows were now seeking refuge on my jaw. Despite all of this, though, I'm continuing to use this product every so often considering the fact that it does more good than bad. I'm not sure if that makes me a hypocrite, a blatant contradiction, or just a masochist at heart, but I'm more than willing to house a few wandering politicians in exchange for those pesky lines to take a hike.

Now where are some more of those atomic fireballs?

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